Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

that would drive me nuts...the not knowing what to do!!
Gee, I think this must the the longest I've waited for a hatch after the first pip. They are making me crazy this time around. And the first Welsummer just keep cheeping with his/her little beak sticking out the pip. That one's been pipped quite a long time, too. Someone needs to hatch tonight!
Calling Tuffoldhen! You need to tell me I absolutely cannot help these chicks hatch, LOL. I swore I would not do that, but these that have been pipped almost 24 hours are making me nuts. And my DH is worse! I know, I know. Go to bed. They'll all hatch and party without me.
Thanks, Katy, LOL. Knew someone with a level head would tell me to STOP! Really, I need to be ready to lose a few and know that if they can't get out of the egg, there's a reason they probably shouldn't.
I bet that is driving you crazy. Mine are driving me bananas and I guess it's been about 11 hrs now. What is it typically 12-24 hrs after a pip? I am sitting on my hands. I really want to roll the one over that pipped on the bottom. Egg #4 keeps poking it's little beak out and wiggling, but that is it.
I've got two that are doing the beak-waving thing, a RIR and a Welsummer, and the Wellie is a loudmouth, too. I keep thinking, "Why don't you put all that effort into cracking that shell open, kid?".
Charlotte's baby did the same thing. I could hear her outside on the porch! She finally broke out but was exhausted for a couple days.

BTW, they're all doing fine, growing like weeds. We named the silver guy Zorro. And I'm head over heals in love the the little buggars.

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