Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Oh, I was thinking about you just today, Christine! Glad to hear they're doing well. Can't wait to see how Zorro grows up and Charlotte's baby, too.
Kate, you're a nightowl! I'm not anymore, but guess I'll have to try. Geez, it's hot in this room with three bators and a computer going!
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I'll post a pic tomorrow of Zorro so you can see his wing feathers. He's going to be a handsome boy. Beth, Charlotte's baby, looks all BR so far except maybe a slightly longer neck and slightly smaller frame. They're all really friendly, except Zorro still screams like a girl when you first pick him up. He's getting better though.

I hope you get someone to hatch soon, that'll keep you from pulling out your hair. The wait nearly drove me over the edge
I took a shower to cool off and still everything is the same. It's been over 24 hours since the first pip on that RIR egg and it's only slightly crackled more in all that time, no hole. This is tough. DH may override my wishes and try to help, but I think it may have expired already. Still, to have good strong stock, they need to be able to hatch on their own. I keep telling myself that. Then I have this thought, what if NONE of them make it out? I can't afford to waste too much $$$ and not try to save any of them.

Funny, Christine, the Blue Orp boys scream like little girls, too, when I pick them up. Then later, when their voices get deeper, they almost sound like geese, LOL. Goofy things.
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help em if you can.the whole process is a man made fraud.i dont understand how folks could let em die and not try to save them.not being harsh at all but it seems that the whole deal from the time the egg is laid, we are in control.incubators,temp issues,humidity,yada yada , em if you can.problem chicks can be dealt with accordingly but i have raised many many many good birds the had a difficult hatch and would have otherwised dies in the shell.kind of like me telling a buddy not to worry about blowing a duck call at a duck that was flying a aint lost nothing:)
We've done both, saved them, tried to save them too late, just run the gamut of theory of what's the right thing to do. And I've had to help some because they were simply too large for the egg they were trapped in, i.e., egg from a pullet, but with a large cockerel chick in it. We'll see how it goes tonight, though. I'd rather not get into helping them this go-round because I know a mother hen wouldn't do it.
Cynthia, how are you holding up? I keep going down to the basement to tap, talk, peep, & try to whistle to them and then come back upstairs to the computer to see if something will happen if I don't hover. Oooh wee, I'm tired!
I'm tired and my back hurts from sitting in this chair then bending over the bators. This is nuts! Not one hatched and we're halfway through Day 21. Never had this happen before and the values have been okay, although it's been hard keeping the Hova operating up to temp overnight at times. Maybe they're just a tiny bit slow because of that. Why won't they zip???

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