Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

One of Lexie's two eggs just pipped and a two Welsummers are zipping now. The Blue Orp, Velvet's baby, is running all over the bator after a very clean hatch. FINALLY!

Beefster, they are all "she" till proven otherwise.
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The RIR that pipped day before yesterday at 10:30 p.m. EST just now hatched. Wow, that's a record for me! I've given up on her already. No new pips that I can see, but many are working their escapes out slowly. I may take a bit of a nap soon, so if I disappear, I crashed.
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That chick is so precious coming out of the shell. I can't wait to watch peeps hatching. I am getting a used incubator tomorrow. Now I need fertilized eggs

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