Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Ok, pics! Note in the last pic, how they separate themselves by breed right from the start, LOL. And the Blue Orp off to the left thinks he/she is just too good for any of 'em, LOL! The red pile is one RIR and four Welsummers.



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I still have another week and a few days to go before hatch date on one bator!!.. Guess I better rest up while I can... lol
Another Welsummer just hatched. All have been very clean as a whistle hatches, no mess at all, so I guess my instruments are accurate enough, huh? I was beginning to worry about that for awhile. I think I see another Welsummer pip, but it's hard to say with all the little shell pieces sticking to eggs.
Thanks, they're still pipping and hatching and I'm so tired of looking in little windows, LOL. My DH has to go to an eye appt an hour away so I'll be alone all afternoon with the hatch. I should go with him, but he says this is too important.
Note to KingsCalls: Five of your babies have hatched, one is pipped and maybe the last one is, too, not sure. I think the last one that hatched is black, too.

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