Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Finally some chick babies! They are so cute! I have a ways to go before I get to another hatch so I am going to sit back and enjoy your photos!
Hey, Barbara, I bet I will! Two more Welsummers hatched at the same time. They are continuing to pip and hatch, so they are really spreading it out. I believe another Ameraucana has pipped, Lynn! And another Welsummer has pipped also.
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Oh, good! I really want you to have a good hatch with those so you can have a pullet or two! C'mon all you babies, your mama needs a nap!
Ah, morning coffee, the sun is shining and baby chicks... what could be better

Congrats, Cynthia, boy they sure took their time.

Thanks, Christie! They seem to be coming out one at a time. One Wellie is so dark and has such a tiny comb, it looks like a rose comb! I was starting to try to remember if you had any other dark egglayers, LOL. There is a new RIR pip now, too.
Nope, only welsummers right now.

This fall out, I have some up and comers of a few standard breeds...not sure where I am gonna put them...but I tend to be one of those, eggs before the coop, kinda girl!

Must be a pullet!!!
One is extremely light with indistinct markings, so much so, that it blends in with the RIR chicks, so I'm sure that's one cockerel. There are two running around the bator chirping their heads off, it's very loud in here right now. Sounds like a real cheering section for the others.
Can't wait to hear about your new projects!

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