Day 19 stats

If you want to just get a quick check of temperature to make sure you are still on track, you can always insert a standard, glass, human temperature thermometer through one of the vent holes to get a temperature reading in about 3 minutes. The only problem I have found with these types of glass thermometers is that once they go up, they don't readily go back down without shaking them down. However, in my opinion, these glass thermometers are less likely than the inexpensive digital thermometers (designed for outdoor temp. measurements) to malfunction. I've observed one of my digital thermometers being dead-on accurate for weeks then without warning it went wacky and gave inaccurate readings (a few degrees high or low). I can always depend on my glass thermometers for a reality check before I panic and start adjusting the thermostat setting on the incubator.
I got the temp right I think but i dont know what will happen. If I get nothing I am going to try again. I never give up. I am a stubborn german as my family says
Stevie, I don't have any splash Orps specifically; it's just that when you breed a blue to a blue, you get blue, black and/or splash. Two different people recently hatched splashes from my eggs. No way to know exactly which of the three colors will come out of the egg. My rooster and both his girls are blue, as you may recall.

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