Day 20 egg and no pip yet..?


7 Years
Jul 13, 2012
Hey I have a single lil chicken egg in my incubator on day 20 and my humidity has been really low (as in normally 50's but when I got home it was in the 30's) and I can't seem to get it up for very long and whenever I DO manage to get the humidity in the 60s and 70s the temp dropps down to the low 90s so I need some help. I REALLY want this egg to hatch but it's made no attempt at all to pip or anything yet. Would it be ok if I piled it up and candled it? Or would that damage the chick inside? Is there a time when I should pip the egg and try to help it before it dies since the humidity has been so low? I need help!!! This is only my second time incubating (2 successful hatches from the first time) and I only have a styraphome homemade incubator!!! Help ASAP if you can!!
Is it ok to candle? Since I'm on day 20?
I'm new to all this, but i should image it would be ok, just to see if the chick is still moving about?
Plus you still have a day to go so things could still happen :)
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I am new to this too, but from what I've read the eggs should better be left alone. BUT I am in the same boat right now, I have 4 eggs that are on day 21 today and they have not shown any sign of life, 3 other chicks hatched out yesterday (24+hrs ago) though and they were all alive in the egg before going into lockdown.... and I'm sitting on pins and needles. I've also heard some poke holes in the eggs but I am really weary of this and prefer not to do that... just in case the eggs will take longer and is just not "ripe" yet. This is my first hatch, so I have no clue myself, just taking notes from posts from others! GOOD LUCK!!
Be patient. My silkies first egg didn't hatch till day 24. If it doesn't hatch by day 26, then there might be an issue. Just wait and see what happens. Baby chicks can take there time when it comes to hatching. Once it pips, it could take up to 24 hours till it's out of the egg.

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