Day 20 Some pipping going on and I need help!!!

YEa, I have the same bator and I need to know this information. Tomorrow will be day 19 so I know I will not have to turn them anymore. So let me know about the red plugs if you can. First hatch, we'll see how it goes...
I'd like to know about the plugs too. I still have them in. I have 2 out and one pipping.
Come on babies!!
i am a first time hatcher and have hatched 2 beautiful chicks so far. I have 64 more to hatch this week and i kept one plug in the first 18 days and the last 3 I had 2 plugs in. i couldnt keep the humidity up w/out both plugs in and then it was still hard i had to keep sprayn warm water in to add humidity i kept it around 75% to 80%.
i hope this helps you. JEN
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I would think the "plug" rule varies. Do whatever it takes to keep the right temp and humidity levels. The room air/drafts/moving air/humidity in the air may have an influence.
Don't know if I'm right, but that's what I'm doing -- though I'm only working on my first hatch

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