Day 20, they're hatching!

Good luck with your first hatch mom2chicksandpups!

haha for me too Jransmith!

I have 5 out, 2 pipped.

And one that pipped and died I am pretty sure.

5/34 so far. I never candled this hatch, so I'm not sure how many actually are living.

I'm still being hopeful, the hatch date isn't even until tomorrow.
Yeah. This one hasn't made any future progress, and it leaked yolk from the pip hole.

But the other two that are pipping are still working at it.

One is got a pretty big hole, but I wish it would hurry up faster. lol I have so been wanting some of my Polish/Brahma eggs to hatch because I got a chick last month that was wonderful. And so far none of the hatched chicks are that cross.

So I am hoping I get at least one. Tomorrow is the actual hatch date, so I am hoping to wake up to a bunch of chicks. lol
OH OH! One hatched. lol I'm excited, can't you tell.
I sat there and watched it for about an hour, and got to see it pip, zip and hatch.

But the weird thing is it hatched out completely BLACK! Even it's feet and beak are black.

Even weirder is the fact that it is either a White Crested Polish/RIR or a White Crested Polish/Buff Orp. Now how do you explain that. lol

I am completely stumped. Maybe my white polish is actually black, and masked by the white gene? I'm not sure.

I thought he was dominate white, every other chick from him has been white.

Anyway, I will be able to tell more after it dries and fluffs up.
Keep the faith. I just finished my first hatch and it took one egg
almost 15 hours to hatch. At time there was no progress for 5 or 6 hours.
Good Luck.
Alright I am up to seven now that are hatched.

Today is the hatch date, but unfortunetly there is no more pips or anything, so it looks like they are done. But maybe not. I would really like more.

This hatch rate wasn't great, but it's way better than my latest ones. Gosh I don't know what I am doing wrong. Everything went perfectly this time, and I still only got 1/5 of the eggs to hatch. gr

Anyway. The black chick is still a mystery to me. Anyone got any ideas on how I got a black chick out of a red or buff hen and a white rooster.

Isn't that process amazing to watch them go from pip to zip to chick!?!?!? We've only seen it twice from one batch and we were absolutely amazed...How can you not love them!

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