Day 21, no pips


9 Years
May 5, 2010
St. Louis
I have eggs under a broody banty. I candled at about day 12 and it was so exciting to see baby chicks inside.
I set them Thursday, March 3 at 8 pm. Shouldnt I see or hear something by now?
Dad is a Cochin, mom's are silkie, maran, and EE

What does anyone think?
Somtimes it takes more time. Be patient
They can hatch up to six days late,

and to be honast, most of mine don't even hatch on day 21. normally day 22, or 23

for me. Low temperatures during incubation will slow down the development, making

the chicks hatch late, so if you had lower temps, this may be the cause. However, theres

no reason to worry at day 21.


When I've hatched chickens, they have hatched exactly on day 21. In fact, the only ones that didn't hatch on that day, generally hatched very early on day 22 or late on day 20, and were anomalies (slightly stronger or weaker chicks, most likely, but still healthy). Then again my temperatures were spot on. From my calculations, it's actually now (on the 26th) day 23 for you, not day 21... You should try candling the eggs again if you can. Is it cold outside? Has your broody sat tight?
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It's day 23. Time to candle and listen. May need to try again.

And get that broody some nutritious food.

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