Day 21, no pips


9 Years
May 5, 2010
St. Louis
I have eggs under a broody banty. I candled at about day 12 and it was so exciting to see baby chicks inside.
I set them Thursday, March 3 at 8 pm. Shouldnt I see or hear something by now?
Dad is a Cochin, mom's are silkie, maran, and EE

What does anyone think?
I still have 3 with no pips. Its ok they may just be lazy
how much is a little bit more time? the mama was off more tonight to eat, so I hope that doesnt mean she doesnt hear them. But she went back on so I am still hoping.
This is my first hatch.
thanks, that would be so disappointing, i wanted to play with new fuzzy butts this weekend. I am going out of town on Wed, so I hope before then.
I have a 3 week old naked neck and EE sitting on my now. they are so cute. sleeping in the folds of my sweatshirt.
nothing yet, I am getting worried. Of Course we have to be getting 4 inches of snow. I am bringing her and the eggs to my basement so she is nice and warm.

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