Day 21 today. Started pipping yesterday. Need advice please.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
SW Ohio
This is my first batch. Today is day 21 I have 1 egg that pipped yesterday at around 3pm as of this morning there has been no change. I have another that pipped around 8pm last night and it hasnt progressed either. The third peeped this morning or overnight. How long should I wait before trying to break some of the outer shell? I was thinking about laying some warm paper towels on them to try n keep the moisture up on the ones that have pipped already. I was put up some photos but I've got to figure that part out lol. Help on that would be great too. :)
first of all, CONGRATS!!!

Next, it can take 24 hours from pip to hatch!!!!! Be Patient and don't open the bator!! I don't try to help until absolutely the last straw!

Keep us posted
Thanks I'm trying to wait! Lol that's the hard part. I just keep watching and I figure if I can still here them that's a good sign. I went from 3 pipped to 4 I just noticed the other. So we are doing good I think. Today will be 21 for some and tomorrow will be 21 for the others. On one of them I can see the white membrain should it be more translucent or very white?
The humidity is the one thing that I have had major issues with! Right now it is 52% and I can't get it higher. I put 4 sponges in and 2 cups of water in and that is the highest it has been.
Are you sure that your hygrometer is accurate? If so, 52 isn't bad... As soon as they start to hatch it will go up. And I'm guessing your little ones will start zipping at some point today :) mine always take 24 hours... I've only had a couple of eggs that pip and hatch in under 18-24 hours. Little brats like to make us wait!

As for the membrane, it will look pretty close to white after they chip some of that shell away but it will turn white-white pretty quickly. This doesn't mean anything is wrong. Just wait it out and you should have some chicks today :) good luck!
:D. Well the first chick is out looks good and healthy!!! 3 more are coming. Question do I need to remove the shell from the incubator? I wish I could get figure the pics out how to get the from my cell phone to post!?
the membrane will be "shrinkwrapped" the chick. Which means the humidity was low and it dried to the chick. That is why it is important not to open the bator once they have "pipped"
If you absolutely have , you can use a spray bottle and mist some water in while you open it

Good Luck!

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