Day 22 and still nothing. What do I do?


Nov 10, 2020
So it’s almost the end of day 22 and I still don’t have any chicks and I haven’t seen any pips. Should I candle one to see what’s going on or should I wait till tomorrow? I’m starting to doubt any are going to hatch. I’ll leave them until day 25 but it’d be nice to know if their still alive or if any have internally pipped.
If none have pipped I don’t think a quick look at one or two to put your mind at ease should be a problem, just be quick and gentle.
Also what should I be looking for when I candle? It’s my first time having eggs hatch and I don’t know what to be looking for this late in incubation.
I would be looking for any type of movement or internal pipping-which looks like a triangle sticking out into the air cell. The other thing I would do is to watch the eggs closely for a couple minutes to see if any are wiggling a bit, sometimes you can see that. Also listen while watching because if they have internally pipped you can sometimes hear cheeping.
I would be looking for any type of movement or internal pipping-which looks like a triangle sticking out into the air cell. The other thing I would do is to watch the eggs closely for a couple minutes to see if any are wiggling a bit, sometimes you can see that. Also listen while watching because if they have internally pipped you can sometimes hear cheeping.
Ok. Thank you so so much! I just candled an egg and it had internally pipped! It was moving a lot and everything is definitely going well. I was getting so stressed out about it being the end of day 22 but everything is obviously fine so I’ll leave them to it. I really appreciate the advice!

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