Day 24...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 2, 2008
Hi, how much longer would you give it? I did verify movement in one at day 20. No pips or anything as of yet
I hate to keep candling but I just checked again and there is still movement in there.
Holy Jumpin'! Does anyone know if they risk running out of air sac if they stay too long in shell? Does the air sac completely deplete, or self-generate from air? It must be because my situation is somewhat similar to yours (first hatch, day 23, nothing) that I keep wondering how things are going for you!

Maybe your temps and humidity were alittle low and they are taking longer. If you have seen movement just have patience.
can there be issues with lack of oxygen when the hatch gets delayed like this?
dgkatz, do you hear any peeping?

I think they're not using air sac rapidly till they penetrate it and you hear the peep? I really don't know though. I'm learning from your experiences.


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