Day 26 and Day 24 What to Do?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
This is my first time and I made the mistake of doing a staggered hatch.

So, I've had 9 hatch which is great!

But out of the ones left, some are on day 26 and some are on day 24. I candled the lighter shelled ones and they looked like they were behind in development. There were 2 or 3 that were moving a couple days ago that aren't moving at all now. Some are too dark to see anything by candleing. When should I give it up? Should I open any of the ones that were moving and aren't moving now? I don't really want to see deformed babies but I do want to know if they are alive and I need to keep them. Aaaargh, this is so emotional for me.
I saw a post a few days ago that suggested you carefully peck out the air sac end of the egg shell and take a look inside. If it's moving put it back ...if not, well you know.....
Unfortunately all...not alive. I recommend doing this outside as I had one kind of explode

Thank you for the help
I had on e do that to me last week. I was, fortunately, on my back porch. It sounded like a little gunn shooting off! And nasty!!

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