Day 26 - no pipping yet


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Shippensburg, PA
I posted in the Hatching thread, but no responses yet , so I thought I'd try here. No visible signs of piping yet that I can see. Temp is 97 and humidity 70. Day 28 is Sunday. This is my first time incubating, so I'm not sure what to expect and when.
The first little crack can be quite hard to see, and after the first crack, it can still take two days to get out, although later eggs seem to get through the process much faster. If you candled the eggs, you should know about how many should try to hatch. Whether or not they are successful depends on a lot of things, but it magically works pretty good most of the time. If you were a little cool, they might be a day late. Patience

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