Day 7 in the incubator and haven't candled yet


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Northern Virginia
Hey guys,
We are at day 7 in the incubator and I unfortunately announced to DH when we set them that we will candle them on day 10 on my little schedule. Of course, he is now holding me to it and it is driving me bonkers. I wanted to take a peek several days ago! Of course I could just do it myself, but we have a rather complicated "stuffing" of the incubator system involving the LF hen eggs serving as holders for some bantam eggs. Anyway, not sure I could get them back in properly. Sooo, guess I will have to sit on my hands and settle for a Sunday look. Is 10 days into the process a good point to actually pull and discard eggs? or should we wait longer? I did get a good quality Brinsea ovascope. Liked that we could get it on the computer and hopefully use it later. Anyway, really wish could look at these eggs!!!
I feel for you, I was supposed to wait till day 10... I weakened on day 3 after after reading about other people on here doing it...
It was peer pressure I tell you!

Hang in there, you'll make it to 10 days, not long now
Welll, I am a goofball. For some reason I thought the ovascope DID have a USB so you could put it on the computer, but on closer inspection I guess it doesnt work that way. No worries, looks like a very bright light which I'll need when I finally get some Maran's to hatch. Tomorrow is the big candling day and I am really excited to finally see what we may have growing. The Brinsea Eco has been rock solid on temp and humidity, so if we don't have much I will have to look for another reason. We have bought eggs, but we drove to pick them up. Can't blame shipping on anything either. Anyway, one question. Do you go ahead and toss eggs at this point? Should be able to see something there right? So if clear, throw out? Thanks for the advice.

Tomorrow is coming soon!!
Oh happy candling!
Excited for you (Im a 3-5 day candler myself) Clear goes bye bye as do black spot eggs and ones with a dark ring. You will probably have to google candling egg pics to know what Im talking about....but once you get the feel for the good the bad the ugly and the "maybes" youll become a pro pretty quick! I will say that I have, more than once tossed eggs that I candled as "I dunno" and then went to toss them only to discover a chick.
Eeeek! So now I put little question marks on anything Im having doubts over and leave them in the cooker till the bell rings.
Haha. Glad to see someone else putting little question marks on their eggs. I did that with my very first hatch when I wasn't sure what was what, and I still do it now. My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts when he looks in the bator and sees all the little scribbles I make on the eggs to keep track of what's going on.

And yes, at the end of each hatch I check to see who has and who hasn't hatched, and a few times one of the really dubious eggs that I still wasn't sure about going into lockdown has popped out a perfect chick. Now I only tend to throw out the clear ones. I usually keep the dubious murky ones in there just in case...

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