Day 9 - sticky "sap" on eggs?

awe :( I have one egg I don't think will hatch...possible blood ring...I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. I might have to get a friend to do something. I am weak at heart! He was so close
4 bouncing babies!

Congratulations Raychel! So funny we had 4 hatch on our first try with our Brinsea Mini Advance. My little late one isn't doing too well. He had a problem with his navel and also some trouble getting strong. He isn't eating or drinking, so I am hoping as tomorrow will be crucial for him to get some nourishment.

Send some pictures!
As far as the weeping eggs - I have a quick question. Does anyone know if it is possible for an egg to be weeping (a small dab of clear substance, almost looks like glue? Don't know where it came from but I don't think it was there before) and still alive?

I'm on Day 12. I noticed this little dab on one of my Marans eggs. It's completely hard and dry. I was worried it might be rotten and damage my other 50 eggs, so I candled it. It had a definite mass inside, and just as I was going to put it back, it jerked involuntarily. So there's a chick inside.

Is it likely that the spot I see is from something else? How could it be weeping if it's developing?
Hello I'm new here but I was wondering how long is it OK to leave a egg under my hen that's to dark to tell if its developing? Were at day 11 now how long does it take to get sappy or smelly before the detonation?
As far as the weeping eggs - I have a quick question. Does anyone know if it is possible for an egg to be weeping (a small dab of clear substance, almost looks like glue? Don't know where it came from but I don't think it was there before) and still alive?

I'm on Day 12. I noticed this little dab on one of my Marans eggs. It's completely hard and dry. I was worried it might be rotten and damage my other 50 eggs, so I candled it. It had a definite mass inside, and just as I was going to put it back, it jerked involuntarily. So there's a chick inside.

Is it likely that the spot I see is from something else? How could it be weeping if it's developing?

Have you been candling your eggs, just wondering? I have only done one hatch, so I am a complete amateur. Everything I have read, which believe me is quite a lot, has indicated that weeping eggs are a negative sign, and they should be removed ASAP. The longer they stay in the incubator, the greater your chances of contamination of the rest of the remaining eggs. I think to sacrifice one egg for the benefit of the hatch seems like a positive thing. Especially that you have 50 eggs.. 49 possible successes it great!
I don't think the spot can be from anything else other than the beginning of an early or mid range death, and it should be removed.

What color Marans are in the incubator? Are all the eggs Marans? How neat!

Hello I'm new here but I was wondering how long is it OK to leave a egg under my hen that's to dark to tell if its developing? Were at day 11 now how long does it take to get sappy or smelly before the detonation?
The wonderful thing about a broody is that she had a built in knowledge about these things. I am sure if they egg was not good, she will know, and dispose of it when she knows it is rotten.
Nature is a beautiful thing!

Good Luck, keep us posted!
Oh umm OK I've read at some other places that its good to pull any eggs that aren't good this is my first broody and she just turned a year old in march I'm going to candle them again this weekend and then before lock down to be sure all are live and well let me tell you nature is a beautiful thing in just 9 days they went from edible breakfast to kicking in the egg's :) I'm so eggcited

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