Day Old Baby Chick - Not Standing, Eyes Closed


Nov 20, 2015
Crozet VA
I am sure this has been answered a bazillion times. I've researched it and I thought maybe spraddle leg? But then I started "treating" it and thought "Whoa, I could be wrong".

Here's the situation:

Baby chick born yesterday and moved into the brooder. It doesn't stand and flops around. It is very noisy (good thing, so it doesn't seem to be "weak" in this aspect). It also doesn't seem to open it's eyes. I had read it could be spraddle leg (for the leg part, not the eyes) so I got out slimmed down bandaids and a teacup to put the baby in. I started putting the bandaid on but it didn't seem to help. Then I stopped. What if I'm wrong. Am I way off? How do I do this? Help?! Thoughts on what it is and what I should be doing to help this poor thing. By the way, I have electrolytes in the water.

Do you have any pictures of it? Preferably in the position it stays in the most.

Does it seem to be attempting to turn and look over it's shoulder?

Have you separated it? I would go ahead and do that if not. Even if it's not contagious, rambunctious chicks will make it harder for it to recover.

I would also add some B-complex vitamins (can be found at the drug store) to the water, one crushed tablet per gallon should suffice. I don't think these are in the normal chick vitamins but I could be wrong. Also if you have some Vit E capsules or liquid, this would be good for him as well. You can just rub a drop on the side of its beak until you can tell he got some in his mouth. Just be careful not to squirt it directly into his beak as oil is easily aspirated and can cause other issues.
Are you thinking Wry neck? I was trying to see if it was looking over its shoulder but it kind of flopped around and it's hard to tell. I ended up putting it in a little juice container and it just passed out. I don't know if it's dying or just exhausted. So the picture isn't very good and doesn't give any details and whether it's wry neck. Just a note it looks like the toes are curled, but earlier they were completely flat.

Yea, I was at least trying to rule it out but B deficiency can cause neck and muscle weakness. Whenever I see either I always give them those vitamins. They work wonders.
Was the umbilical completely closed when it hatched? I have noticed they tend to be more unsteady and weak when the yolk doesn't fully absorb right away.
Sadly the chick died. My first dead chick. Ugh. Very sad. I don't think the umbilical cord was closed all the way when it hatched. I'm pretty sure I saw it drag it for a bit too. Anyway, I did go get vitamins so I'm ready for anything else.

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