Day old chick don’t like starter any advice?



6 Years
Jul 14, 2017
Hello, in my previous thread i had an incubating issues where one of my bators had heating issues where it kept dropping in temperature. Well i also lost a lot of eggs from shipping issues and only had one hatch out. Don’t worry this week some more should hatch out from a different batch, im not willing to raise a lone chick AGAIN.
Well this chick is a brahma chick that hatched out from a big egg but ended up small because of the larger air cell. Im not sure how big brahma chicks should be but this one is as big as my bantam cochin chick.
She/he (ill say she for now) is now more than 24 hours old and starting to explore and try to eat things. She started drinking before i went to bed, i took her brooder beside my bed since she is alone, i can monitor her screaming. Thankfully no yelling at all slept peacefully after sleeping against my hand i switched it with a small plushie and turned the lights down.
she is still sleeping a lot now but exploring a lot too. I gave her moistened starter and dry ones and she would peck at them from my hands but keep shaking her head after trying it out. She drinks a lot and looks for food but maybe the chick starter doesn’t taste good? What should i do im still pretty calm as she still has yolk left but she is looking for food and i need to get her eating by tomorrow.
anyone got any suggestion to try? Or should i wait and keep offering starter?
I would keep trying maybe try some oats? But it’s okay if she doesn’t eat for a little longer she doesn’t need to be eating more than some little pecks at this age anyway. As long as she’s drinking water. Could she be a Brahma bantam?
I would keep trying maybe try some oats? But it’s okay if she doesn’t eat for a little longer she doesn’t need to be eating more than some little pecks at this age anyway. Could she be a Brahma bantam?
the breeder doesn't have brahma bantams but do have cochin bantams. the egg she came from was large but she only filled in half of it which surprised me how quickly she got out. I got pictures of the parents and they are big chickens, maybe she is a runt or maybe she will grow into a large bird? guess ill have to wait.
Apparently chicks can live up to three days without eating as long as they absorb their yolk.😉
phew thanks im hoping she starts eating soon so i don't worry. my previous chicks, while they didnt eat much they didn't exactly shake their heads at the food. ill try out some oats too just in case she didn't like the taste. not wanting to loose this chick after all the stress involved with the incubation.
Hello, in my previous thread i had an incubating issues where one of my bators had heating issues where it kept dropping in temperature. Well i also lost a lot of eggs from shipping issues and only had one hatch out. Don’t worry this week some more should hatch out from a different batch, im not willing to raise a lone chick AGAIN.
Well this chick is a brahma chick that hatched out from a big egg but ended up small because of the larger air cell. Im not sure how big brahma chicks should be but this one is as big as my bantam cochin chick.
She/he (ill say she for now) is now more than 24 hours old and starting to explore and try to eat things. She started drinking before i went to bed, i took her brooder beside my bed since she is alone, i can monitor her screaming. Thankfully no yelling at all slept peacefully after sleeping against my hand i switched it with a small plushie and turned the lights down.
she is still sleeping a lot now but exploring a lot too. I gave her moistened starter and dry ones and she would peck at them from my hands but keep shaking her head after trying it out. She drinks a lot and looks for food but maybe the chick starter doesn’t taste good? What should i do im still pretty calm as she still has yolk left but she is looking for food and i need to get her eating by tomorrow.
anyone got any suggestion to try? Or should i wait and keep offering starter?
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. If she still has yolk attached she doesn't need anything else. I've had chicks shipped to me that didn't get anything to eat till they arrived here on day three. Of course I dinked their little beaks in sugar water so they would drink and get hydrated, then after a few minutes I dipped their wet beaks in chick starter and they ate. They did fine. Relax, nature knows what's up. Don't offer your chick anything but chick starter and water. It will eat when it's ready. Good luck.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. If she still has yolk attached she doesn't need anything else. I've had chicks shipped to me that didn't get anything to eat till they arrived here on day three. Of course I dinked their little beaks in sugar water so they would drink and get hydrated, then after a few minutes I dipped their wet beaks in chick starter and they ate. They did fine. Relax, nature knows what's up. Don't offer your chick anything but chick starter and water. It will eat when it's ready. Good luck.
thanks i feel better now, at least she is drinking a lot. hoping she will come around soon to the starter.
Oh okay my brahmas were pretty small too though. They are slow maturing is what I’ve heard. But yes definitely listen to the post above!😉
Oh i see, never really had a large breed chicken before not sure what to expect.
Can anyone identify the colour though? Im not familiar with brahmas.
This was her yesterday. Her colour is almost like an owl. White face, white wing tips, and white belly. Any ideas anyone? If im not wrong the breeder has only dark and light brahmas.
Oh i see, never really had a large breed chicken before not sure what to expect.
Can anyone identify the colour though? Im not familiar with brahmas.
View attachment 2795923This was her yesterday. Her colour is almost like an owl. White face, white wing tips, and white belly. Any ideas anyone? If im not wrong the breeder has only dark and light brahmas.
Awwwww!😍 I only have buff so I’m not sure!😉

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