Day Old Chick Trouble


In the Brooder
Aug 26, 2020
We just hatched a round of chicks over the past few days. I have one that's about two days old now. Fast breathing, lays on its side, seems to have trouble walking. We have isolated it in the brooder with fresh water it can get to, and mostly so the other chicks won't bother it. I did a visual check and nothing else seems to be wrong. Any thoughts on what might be going on?
We just hatched a round of chicks over the past few days. I have one that's about two days old now. Fast breathing, lays on its side, seems to have trouble walking. We have isolated it in the brooder with fresh water it can get to, and mostly so the other chicks won't bother it. I did a visual check and nothing else seems to be wrong. Any thoughts on what might be going on?
Failure to thrive.
Try giving it some Poultry Nutri-drench to support it.
Is it eating and drinking?
Failure to thrive.
Try giving it some Poultry Nutri-drench to support it.
Is it eating and drinking?
Thank you for this, and sorry for the late response. We ended up realizing she was eggbound and unfortunately lost her. We have three hens we consider family and she was one of them, so we've been a bit shaken. Thank you again for taking the time.

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