DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

Wish I could live up there and make a living. It would be nice. Not too terrible hot in the summer. Not too frigidly cold in the winter. Just right.
Yeah... thanks... I got the bator at your recommendation!

Just hope the PO was kind to the eggs.
Good luck with your hatch! I have some Welsummers due around the same time as your hatch, so I guess we are hatching buddies!
Hi M,

Been meaning to ask.. what color were you expecting the Fav eggs to be?

The light Salmons and Blue Salmons lay very light tint (almost pink) eggs. The darker Coppers we bred for last year are laying almost a brown egg which we had not anticipated but we love the Copper Salmon birds so have continued to keep them. I have also had a white sport Fav and she laid a WHITE egg... I have never before seen a breed where egg color was so tied to feather color and would love to know what the chicken gurus make of it.

Pictures below of white sport pullet, true Salmon, Copper Salmon... Comments? Chickens in the top pic were culls sold in to a backyard layer flock for obvious reasons.



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Well those are ALL beautiful birds!!! I would be happy with any that looked like them, regardless of egg color... I had just always heard that SFs laid "pink" eggs. Like I said, the color doesn't matter if they look like those. You've really got some beauties!

God Bless!!!

Were all your eggs more brown??? I still have about 1/2 the birds laying 'pinks' so I send you some for the next round in that super cool incubator! We love the copper salmons but they may not be for everyone.
yes, they were all the browns, but those copper favs really are stunning.

I'm just praying they didn't get scrambled!!

Wow do I feel blessed, guess we'll know a little bit better the evening of the 9th when I candle for the first time.

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