DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

I just have to laugh at DS#4... he put the 4 Ameraucanas lined up together on the floor and said, "This is UNBELIEVABLE!... 1 Wheaten roo, 1Wheaten pullet, 1 Blue Wheaten roo, 1 Blue Wheaten pullet!, What are the odds of that???!!!"

I told him astronomical, and not to count his pullets before they crow!
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What cute babies! Now Im wishing I would have got some Am's from Melissa as well. After my PM telling her what I wanted I started second guessing myself. I was thinking "Well I could email her back right now and ask for just a few Am's. Hubby would never know." The longer I sat at the PC I started writing her another PM, I finally had to leave so I wouldnt go crazy. I was going nuts until she emailed me saying she had sent them off. I was suriously thinking about driving over there just to get some. But I knew that would be just horrible!!
I would have prob. come home with all kinds chicks/chickens.
I just wish we could have had some favs hatch. The soonest we'll be allowed to incubate again will be September. I figure if we put 24 eggs in the bator every 7 months we should always have plenty of eggs and plenty to incubate... that's if the roosters aren't too loud and I can get 3 breeding pens built and not get turned in!
I think you will find that the lighter ameraucanas will be blue wheaten and the more yellow ones are wheatens.

Anyway, you should mark them so we can all know for sure in a couple weeks.
He may be on to something! We had someone with Wade Jean Black Copper Marans contact us about a trade for GCMs egg for egg... well we weren't looking for more chickens but.... some deals are just too good to pass up... Anyway, out of 8 eggs 4 hatched and guess what???? Three pullets and a cockerel! Now that is astronomic! Can you say Quatro?

You would be better off with three Ameraucana pullets and a cockerel for sure though.

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