Day old spring chicken order, Check out my choices!

No... but I did shoot him on my property! then had it mounted.

We have tons of fox and they are very bold, and brave...well actually just some are conditioned to humans because the summer campers in the area feed the darn things all summer long then leave.

I live here year round and it's a real problem, because when they come to my front door begging for food, I just feed them lead at about 2000 ft/sec or so.

I imagine with me bringing in chickens this spring the are only going to get bolder.

A strong coop and run will be a priority for sure.


I'll be sure to post tons of pics when I get eveything going! I'm ordering from a performance poultry place in Ontario... they have many sources of birds and have an unbelievable selection too. My local feed/ farmers co-op got me interested but really offer very little in terms of variety once I started to research and discover all the different chicken breeds. I'm not taking peoples word for it either, I'd rather figure out what I like and dislike when it comes to chicken breeds...anything I get but don't like goes in the freezer... if I discover a real passion for a certain breed I'll get more of them or breed them myself.

@ mountain man we do have a farmer's market with locals selling stuff I'm sure I could do something like that... trade eggs for other goods!
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No... but I did shoot him on my property! then had it mounted.

We have tons of fox and they are very bold, and brave...well actually just some are conditioned to humans because the summer campers in the area feed the darn things all summer long then leave.

I live here year round and it's a real problem, because when they come to my front door begging for food, I just feed them lead at about 2000 ft/sec or so.

I imagine with me bringing in chickens this spring the are only going to get bolder.

A strong coop and run will be a priority for sure.


I'll be sure to post tons of pics when I get eveything going! I'm ordering from a performance poultry place in Ontario... they have many sources of birds and have an unbelievable selection too. My local feed/ farmers co-op got me interested but really offer very little in terms of variety once I started to research and discover all the different chicken breeds. I'm not taking peoples word for it either, I'd rather figure out what I like and dislike when it comes to chicken breeds...anything I get but don't like goes in the freezer... if I discover a real passion for a certain breed I'll get more of them or breed them myself.

@ mountain man we do have a farmer's market with locals selling stuff I'm sure I could do something like that... trade eggs for other goods!

I hate it when people feed the wildlife for "fun" as it always creates a huge problem for the animals. A ranger up at Pike's Peak in CO told a couple that were feeding a fox that thanks to that kind of thing, he'll most likely be shooting it soon, and told them to knock it off. People just don't think, esp when they're on vacation!
KLA37 you are correct... it's crazy in this day and age that people need to be told don't feed the bears and other animals.

These same people are the first ones to call 911 or the MNR because a bear is tearing up their home, garage etc...

There is also a part of the roadway going into town that has a lot of deer vs car crashes... and yet one home owners on that road does not see the problem or connection to the pail of corn and other feed they leave out on the front lawn for deer.
Good luck with your "starter" farm! Sounds like your chooks are going to have a state of the art facility! LOL!

Are those dogs in the kennels? Do you run some sort of a boarding facility or something?

Sounds like your going to have a very nice place!
Hey T Bay! How's it going? Man it would be nice to order that many birds, I take it you ordered from Performance. When are they coming? I know my order won't be here until May and its KILLING ME!

You should let me know if you plan on selling hatching eggs next year.
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That building looks like it is perfect for a chicken coop. We have one just like it on our farm that we fixed up and turned into a coop and it worked out well.
Settler'sDreamFarm :

Good luck, you will love having chickens!
Did you order from Performance Poultry?

Yes we ordered from PP. BTW I looked at your byc page your coop looks awesome!

I have had a litter or two but that was like three years ago.

My wife used to show, we have terriers!
We have two show dogs, two hunters, and two rescues... we also kept one dog from a litter we had a few years ago.

@ Avidgriller5000 I thought the old building would be good too but now think it will be too small. So I will use it for the summer but build something better that can house the birds even in the winter.​
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I spent the fall making the brooders, the winter deciding on the breeds, I've ordered them and I have to wait like three months...for delivery.

I have BABY chicken fever
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