Day old Turkey with leg problems


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Holland, VT
I have a one day old poult with leg problems. I am not sure if it would be considered spraddle leg or not. Most of the pictures I have seen in the forums of spraddle leg have the legs spread out to the sides, this one has one leg out to the side and one leg pointing in with curled toes on the leg that goes in. I have tried the band aid "hobbles" but the legs still angle to the side a bit. I have him in a plastic tub lines with soft material in the brooder by himself. This is the first blue slate that I have hatched so far this year and I would really like to save him. Is there anything more that I should be doing to help him? He was not due to hatch until the 26th but hatched late yesterday.
From reading on here, it sounds like people have to fiddle a lot with the Bandaids or whatever tape or splint type arrangement they use to get these things straightened out. Maybe you just need to keep at it a while longer since he is one you don't want to lose.

Good luck.
Check out the link below (has photos of `protheses'. We went through this with three Broad Breasted poults. By use of tape (toes in more or less `normal' position), heavy duty pipe cleaners (splints), three drops of polyvisol enfamil (no iron) for a week (didn't know what had caused the deformity in ours, e.g., genetic, temp. during incubation, vitamin deficiency), suspension in a cup (no weight bearing). One poult made it and did pretty well until he put on too much wt. (even on restricted diet) and just had to fly (landing exacerbated the problem).
Heritage turk should have a better chance of improvement with treatment and living a normal lifespan.

Good Luck!

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