day old with bulging eye HELP!


5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
HELP needed! I just got my day old chicks order and my Salmon Faverolle has a buldging eyeball. The eyeball itself is huge. She is a bit wobbly too. She is attempting to eat but I haven't seen her drink. I don't know if this could be caused by being pecked in the eye by one of the other chicks pecking her or what. What should I do? This is my first order of chicks. All my other birds were bought locally. Here's a few pictures. It is her left eye (right eye in pics) eyes are closed in this pic.
eyes open
big eye
This seems to be a problem that pops up more in Faverolles than other breeds. There is not much you can do but wait and see if there is any improvement. Unfortunately the prognosis is not good.
This seems to be a problem that pops up more in Faverolles than other breeds. There is not much you can do but wait and see if there is any improvement. Unfortunately the prognosis is not good.
Does that mean she will likely die? Or just have a wonky eye?
Does that mean she will likely die? Or just have a wonky eye?

I had three of them hatch a few years ago. I ended up putting them down at about 5 days. I suspect it is caused by too much fluid in the skull but I did not necropsy them. There does seem to be a genetic link
No I bought 6 chicks but this is the only faverolle. I got a easter egger, a salmon faverolle, a blue silkie, a white silkie, a silver laced polish, and a silver laced wyandotte. I like a mixed flock ;)
I see you have found all the related threads on the subject. Maybe yours will have better luck, mine had the condition in both eyes.I hope yours manages to pull through. Please post updates on the Fav thread if you wouldn't mind.
I see you have found all the related threads on the subject. Maybe yours will have better luck, mine had the condition in both eyes.I hope yours manages to pull through. Please post updates on the Fav thread if you wouldn't mind.
I will keep this updated. She seems ok right now. She is eating and drinking. She can't be bothered with grow gel but that is ok since she's eating and drinking. She is a tad wobbly but isn't like falling down drunk wobbly. I hope she pulls through. I named her Dizzy :)

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