Days when you do not want to do anything.


Out of the blue
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Of course, life has got to go on and assignments are due, exams need to be revised for, musical rehearsals attended, long and arduous bus journeys to be embarked upon, leaving you up at midnight with a million things that need to be finished by tomorrow - some days I seriously cannot be bothered.

It does NOT help when I have no idea what to make of my relationships with other people, wether I have ticked someone off by something I snapped during a moment of insane stress, or not being able to think of anything intelligent to say and boring someone else to tears.

There are days when I would really love to knock myself out and forget about it all. Quite hard when I'm stuck in a library full of screaming year sixes playing Justin Bieber and flash games, and it's usually on these days that I have trouble sleeping.

End of long rant. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to rant about, but I felt like one.
oh yeah I have days like that.

Mornings where I think "I don't have to work till 5 tonight, do I really have to get out of bed before 4?" but alas
food must be cooked, dishes are always dirty, clothes must be washed or dried, the dogs and cats want me to feed them, the lawn needs mowing or the lawnmower needs fixing (or both) and the list just goes on and on!
I think the library staff gave up on them a long time ago, threats of being kicked out obviously not getting through to their Bieber-fied heads.
Oh, today is one of those for me, too. I'm having one of my fibromyalgia "poorly" days. But I dragged myself to work (and am using my personal iPad for access) and otherwise waiting for pain meeds to kick in. Oh, and the coffee, too.

Days like this, I notice that every car on the road on my way to work is occupied by ugly people.
I've been informed by DH that I am to do absolutely nothing today. He's not the one that has to sit here and look at this filthy house all day.

'Course he didn't specifically tell me that I couldn't sit by the window and watch for a cow with a door hanging from her neck to go by, shotgun by my side.

Screaming 6 year olds? I'd rather deal with a whole herd of demon possessed bovines, thank you very much.
OH! You mean today? I'll just wander on outside, find some shade & a comfy chair, then toss some raw oatmeal treats to my chickens. NO WAY am I going to grab the hoe & do the " get the bug" routine today. It's almost 80 degrees outside!

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