DE and Flies... Just don't breath it in! Like I did...


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Naples, Florida
I bought some DE to spread in the coop for fly control.

I was carrying the container (large Tupperware w/lid). I had a mask, just had it around my neck, not over my mouth and nose. I was planning on putting it on correctly when I got ready to sprinkle. Well, the chickens and ducks thought I had food and surrounded my. I tripped, the DE flew from my hands. The animals ran. I stupidly tried to catch the falling container and instead, the lid popped off. I got covered with DE. Of course, I inhaled some.

My throat is very scratchy now. I showered, washed my clothes, but this scratchy, irritated throat is getting to me. I keep coughing, but nothing is coming up.

I guess I needed to vent, but I also want to warn everyone. It is best to wear your mask from the time you go near the stuff, until you are back away from it.
So sorry about the trip, I hate it when stuff like that happens. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids, and realize the cough might last a while. Use throat lozengers to sooth so you dont just cough and cough and cough because of irritation.
Did the bag have any warnings on it about inhalation exposure? I would definitely check that out and make sure a trip to the doctor isn't needed. I plan on purchasing some next week if I can find it. I will learn from your accident!
Hi guys ~ we used to use DE all the time until this happened to us. It can be extremely dangerous to use this product without a mask....our old bag says to use a N95 PAPR respirator, which is a mask used on my TB patients at work. Anyway, there is a warning on our bag, but we decided (since all the chickens' nostrils turned white) that it wasn't worth it. It also depends on the silica content of your product.

I still feel like there is little scratchy things in my throat. Like tiny glass shards! I am trying not to cough continually, but it is really difficult.

I wish I would have had the darn mask on. I don't think I will die or anything, I just have this irritation that won't go away. From now on, I will never go near the stuff without a mask. I might not use it anymore. Depends if it works for the flies. So far, there is no difference. Flies are everywhere. I clean the poop every day, adding more pine too. Oh well...Cough, cough...
I was told D.E. keeps fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population at that part in their life cycle.
fours2many. I'm having the same fly problem as you. It might be because of the very cold winter we had, I dont know. I put down DE in the pen the other day and it's having little effect on the flies, there must be a zillion of them. I had the same thing happen several years ago and I remember using my sprayer with clorox and water mixture with a fine spray nozzle tip to spray the ground and the flies. I had to do it for about a week as I recall, but the fly population dwindled down considerably. I also had the pen secured so the chickens couldnt get in there while I was spraying. I let them in later in the afternoon after I raked the pen out. I hope your throat gets to feeling better, cough drops should help, maybe some cloraseptic(sp) spray.

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