DE concern and question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 19, 2009
Hi all, it seems that many here use food grade DE in the coop and elsewhere. On the DE bag, there is a warning against inhaling it, and advising the use of a mask when working with it. So - If it's that bad for our lungs, wouldn't you expect some effects on the chickens that dust in it? What do you-all think, Ed
A friend of ours brews beer commercially, and they use food grade DE as a filter. They wear masks when they use it, because it is a nuisance dust. But, they use A LOT of it on a daily basis.

I suspect that once it's exposed to humidity, the dustiness quotion goes down considerable. I wear a dust mask when I'm treating bedding & food, but not after that. It doesn't seem nearly as dusty once it's combined with those things, and in the coop
Yes the dust is harmful in both food grade and otherwise. That being said, I do still use it in my coop in small quantities and it's also in my feed. Be careful with large amounts and method of application. In my dust bath area it is in small quantities mixed with sand.
I've used it for 5 years, never lost a chicken to anything but predators. I also wear a
paper mask when applying in my coop or dust areas although I dont drop it from high and
keep it low as to not create dust.

Yes, what I have is food grade, with the warnings on the 50 lb bag. Ed

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