de in layer pellets

You can buy perma guard directly from their website too.

We agree on many things SH, but not this.
I have never put any DE in my bags of feed & have never seen bugs in it-I keep the feed in a tightly sealed container.
NY, I had an issue recently with a Southern States dealer always having bugs in the feed. It was too far to run back to town the first time, so I put DE in to kill the bugs. What dont you agree with? That DE kills bugs in the feed?
That's all I said; nothing more. I didn't say if they should or should not have it in the feed when you buy it. I keep my feed in metal trash cans on my deck and once did find bugs after I thought it was bug-free from the feedstore. Could have already been in there, maybe not, dont know for sure. DE killed the bugs in that bag, too.
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Yes, I think it was a safer product.

I brought back some seaweed from the beach a couple weeks ago. I dried it in the sun and put it out near the chicken run. When the hens came out to range they went nuts for it.
We agree on many things SH, but not this.
I have never put any DE in my bags of feed & have never seen bugs in it-I keep the feed in a tightly sealed container.

You may not put the food grade DE in your feed but every mill that I know of uses it in the processes of making feeds for the purpose of helping keep out bugs.
Bill, I did not say anything controversial, for heavens sake. I said it kills bugs in feed. The bugs were in the feed right from the store. And it does kill bugs. I didnt endorse it or promote it. I only explained why it may be in the organic feed mentioned. So let's not put words in my mouth or act like I'm pushing DE for every use under the sun.
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My understanding is that DE is used in a LOT of feeds and human foods as an additive. Like to keep certain things from gathering moisture. I add it to my feed to help absorb moisture.

No one is forcing anyone to add it to their feeds. Everyone has opinions. Just do what is right for you and don't worry about what anyone else does.
A lot of people don't understand there are differents kinds of DE.

Food grade DE that is Codex Grade Fossil Shell Flour used in food is in no way the same DE used in pool filters or garden dust.

Pool filter grade and garden dust DE are poisonous and should NOT be used with feeds or chickens or any pets and livestock.
I have been using food grade DE in the shavings inside the coop to control flies, and was wondering if I should add it to the food in the feeder.
I thought I had heard this is also like a preventative for worm infestation.
Then when I saw that it was already in the layer pellets as an ingredient I was unsure of whether that was sufficient and not to bother.
If you were to add it to a 50lb bag of scratch or some other type of feed, how much is the amount people use to keep bugs out?
I am going to buy bulk very soon for the winter and it would be good to know how much is advisable for bug free storage in case I need to add it.

I am sorry if this thread started any kind of controversy, I was just trying to gather some information and I didn't want anyone to be criticized.
Thank you for any advice.
All I can tell you is I just put a cup or so in the top of a bag of feed and stir it around. It works to kill any bugs that are already there or that crawl in later somehow. And dont worry about controversy. Some people do seem to think DE does everything short of curing cancer, but I'm not one of them. I like to use a safe bug killer around my birds. If you dont overdo it, they wont be inhaling much. It can make things too dusty in your coop when added to the dander, etc. if you put in too much. As far as worming, some say it does, but if you wet DE, it loses lots of its cutting ability. If it's inside an animal, obviously, it will be wet, so you see the issue there.

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