De-worming and Wazine Concern

i prefer ivomec powder for swine. it is used in their food and very effective for poultry.i also use wazine and it is effective as well. ive used d.e. for years too and its great. i have had one instance of worms a few years back during an unusually wet time and using those in a regularly scheduled worming cycle has kept my flock worm and worry free.
Wazine's good for adult rounds, ivermectin for larvae to stop the cycle. I've used DE before. Since I use the worming routine (2x's annually with ivermectin after the initial worming with wazine) I've had the same results with and without DE - no appreciable worms if I stick to schedule.
i think the d.e. is effective mostly because it helps keep other parasites and insect pests under control (flies esp), i have found if you can keep the flies under control that makes a lot fo difference. i also lime the pens to keep the moisture out of it. i know you can relate to the moisture control thing being as we are within the same general area. have you had any luck with the d.e. on fire ants. thats been one of my biggest problems here and while it helps its not 100%.
Fire ants! Grrrr! I'm not sure who you were asking/telling, but I wanted to remark on your great post.

I hadn't tried it on fireants, no, but I'd love to! I've been using permethrin and I dislike doing so because I really like geckos around my house. Ohhh I'm so going to try that!! Have you ever tried sprinkling the mound with baking soda and then pouring vinegar on it? Ant volcano. Apparently it gets down deep into the mound, but of course both of the products aren't lastingly dangerous.

I so totally agree with the way you use DE and I wish more people would do this your way and think of it your way. I see DE being given credit for things that will ultimately disappoint people and, sadly, possibly turn them off of a very very good product! For what it's good for, it's the proverbial bomb. And i agree with using lime - will often do so under bedding as my pen areas were once horse stalls on clay/sand on top of more clay. So yes - I am one who totally relates to moisture problems.

Fire ants! Grrrr! I'm not sure who you were asking/telling, but I wanted to remark on your great post.

I hadn't tried it on fireants, no, but I'd love to! I've been using permethrin and I dislike doing so because I really like geckos around my house. Ohhh I'm so going to try that!! Have you ever tried sprinkling the mound with baking soda and then pouring vinegar on it? Ant volcano. Apparently it gets down deep into the mound, but of course both of the products aren't lastingly dangerous.

I so totally agree with the way you use DE and I wish more people would do this your way and think of it your way. I see DE being given credit for things that will ultimately disappoint people and, sadly, possibly turn them off of a very very good product! For what it's good for, it's the proverbial bomb. And i agree with using lime - will often do so under bedding as my pen areas were once horse stalls on clay/sand on top of more clay. So yes - I am one who totally relates to moisture problems.


yes i was talking to you lol. no other texans on this post (im an hr north of huntsville) anyways i do like d.e. for use on cecal worms though and i truly believe it is effective for that because my pawpaw had a turkey get a case of blackhead when i was a kid. he isolated it and dusted the crap out of that thing daily within a few weeks the old tom was just fine and clear. i guess it breathed enough of the dust to kill the lil buggers. as far as round worms and others i am not so sure. as far as ants go i like the ant volcano and i might have to try that if it ever stops raining. i think they get down and out of range for the poison. i used to pour gas on them and light it up but its too expensive and dangerous(the follies of youth lol) to do now.
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Verm-x works (I think) we use it on our birds. Very expensive and garlic might work, too. Worms are bad~kill them! Die, worms! Die!
LOL well silly me!
Yes, you're right in the thick of it with me aren't you? Only you're in a much preferably location. (I'm jealous!)

I've been considering DE highly again for cecal worms because I keep my turkeys with my chickens (shame on me). So same thing! I'm so very glad you said that! I have really been worried as I lost a turkey this year to suspected blackhead. I really don't want to lose one of my four other girls. You've just made my day!

You know, I'm so mad at ants - even I would consider the gasoline thing - at least in some sort of black-hearted daydream.
Between our drought and now all this rain, the fire ants are crazy down here - really just terrible. My feet seem to be a delicacy to them.

Thanks for your personal experience on the DE. Now I know I need to buy another package....

Funny story. Last time I did, I ordered a good big bag of DE and of Kelp and had them mailed to me. When I got my package (USPS) it was taped. The baggies had all been cut and retaped! I had to think of it. Then I realized - if I were a postal person and I saw a big bag of white powder and green herb looking substance, I'd have certainly had to open the boxes and just make sure that they were legal substances! It really tickled me.
LOL well silly me!
Yes, you're right in the thick of it with me aren't you? Only you're in a much preferably location. (I'm jealous!)

I've been considering DE highly again for cecal worms because I keep my turkeys with my chickens (shame on me). So same thing! I'm so very glad you said that! I have really been worried as I lost a turkey this year to suspected blackhead. I really don't want to lose one of my four other girls. You've just made my day!

You know, I'm so mad at ants - even I would consider the gasoline thing - at least in some sort of black-hearted daydream.
Between our drought and now all this rain, the fire ants are crazy down here - really just terrible. My feet seem to be a delicacy to them.

Thanks for your personal experience on the DE. Now I know I need to buy another package....

Funny story. Last time I did, I ordered a good big bag of DE and of Kelp and had them mailed to me. When I got my package (USPS) it was taped. The baggies had all been cut and retaped! I had to think of it. Then I realized - if I were a postal person and I saw a big bag of white powder and green herb looking substance, I'd have certainly had to open the boxes and just make sure that they were legal substances! It really tickled me.

im guilty of housing my birds too. kinda why i have so many dang crosses (still waiting on a "real" turken lol). yeah its not too bad up here but we have basically the same weather yall do there only slightly less humid only because theres less concrete. which side of houston you on. i lived in conroe and nw side over off 249 near antoine. anyways if you can find a good feed store (not sure of any good ones in h-town) you can get d.e. in a 50 lber a lot cheaper than ordering through the mail. i did f' up and get garden grade one time but it worked good on the bugs just dont think it worked for the birds worming issues
I'm on the south side, but I'll try to find a good human grade DE instead as you suggest. Instead of shipping which is just outrageous these days! Good idea, thanks!

I might check with Wabash as they tend to have things like this.

And yes - my bantam cochin frizzle is absolutely certain that we are to have bantam-cochin-frizzurkies here some day soon! Of course he also pays the same roosterish attention to my ankles (determined to tell my ankles to come eat a little piece of green this-or-that he finds absolutely appetizing). So Cochankles? I don't know. /sigh

Thanks again for the heads up! I'm actually excited.

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