Dead 2 month old


Jul 27, 2020
I went out to feed my chickens and turkeys one morning and found my 2 month old turkey dead.. and then I came out today and found my 3 month old dead.. neither acted sick none of the chickens died or my guineas in the pen.. could it have been the smoke from all the fires and then the horrible storm we had?? I'm so sad. I cried when I found the young one dead. Its the one in my picture. It was very bonded with me and was my first turkey.. there names starting with the youngest were Durkee and Bourbon. Why would my happy little turkeys just die..
I'm very sorry for your loss. It's possible the smoke got them or some other underlying issue. Provide lots of fresh water and keep an eye on their activity.
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I'm very sorry for your loss. It's possible the smoke for them or some other underlying issue. Provide lots of fresh water and keep an eye on their activity.
I've now moved all my birds around and extra protected them! All my babies are in new brooders inside a very large chicken coop. I had them in runs outside so they could learn to forage but I've lost so many this time around I can't stand another dying.
Could they have gotten bitten by something, snake, or poisonous bug, spider? Could they aha eaten something poisonous? Check your food to make sure it isn't moldy. It could be smoke, and how hot is it were you are? Do you still have the bodies? If so, you could keep them cold, not frozen, and send them to a state lab of testing. I don't know much about that, but @Eggcessive does. I hope you figure out what it is! Avery
Could they have gotten bitten by something, snake, or poisonous bug, spider? Could they aha eaten something poisonous? Check your food to make sure it isn't moldy. It could be smoke, and how hot is it were you are? Do you still have the bodies? If so, you could keep them cold, not frozen, and send them to a state lab of testing. I don't know much about that, but @Eggcessive does. I hope you figure out what it is! Avery
We do have poisonous snakes and spiders here but I just doubt that was it. The smoke was really bad since we were surrounded by fires. I know alot of other peoples animals got sick.. if it was that I just feel so guilty for not putting them up sooner.. it did rain really hard for 2 days and I have most of their run covered but I know they got wet.. i just thought they were fine because its so warm and they usually all cuddle up with my matured silkies. Even my rooster will let a pullet under his wing to sleep. I guess a lesson learned.. my food isn't moldy and they couldn't have eaten anything bad. I only give them fresh squash from my garden and tomatoes as treats. I go through 3 40 lbs bags of feed every two weeks. I make sure its not wet.
Can you inspect there bodies, for any kind of bite. I don't see a picture, could you try posting it again? I really hope you find the problem! Sorry this happened, Avery
We did look them over. There was no sign on anything. I didnt take a picture. I ment durkee is the turkey that I am snuggled with in my icon pic. I found both in different places in the coop. No blood or torn feathers. They looked completely fine..

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