Dead chick mystery!


Apr 16, 2020
I found one of my oldest Orpington chicks (3-4 weeks) dead in the brooder this morning. The other chicks are way smaller. It was not injured. It was laying on its side, and there were other very small chicks laying on top of it. This chick was fine yesterday.

Could the smaller chicks have smothered it?! I would have thought it was strong enough to :hitshake them off.

Im dumbfounded and so upset. These are Crele Orpingtons from my own stock... and it was a Pullet!

Chicks are in a brooder box inside my coop with a heat lamp (last night was in the 40s). Front side is chicken wire. Hydro-hen used every 3rd day, medicated chick starter.
Same way Ive raised 100s of chicks..... :th
Sorry for your loss. I would look for runny poops, any not active or lethargic, and not eating. Puffing up is another sign of possible coccidiosis, which may affect chicks this age. Are they staying warm enough in an open cage in the 40’s with a heat lamp?
They are eating MannaPro Medicated started from TSC. I may just do Corid just in case. Havent noticed runny poops. Everyone else is healthy.

My coop is fully enclosed with windows and a door. The brooder cage is inside that, so closed in on 3 sides. With a light. Usually arent under the lamp at all. And this chick had majority of its feathers!!!

My birds have been a handful this week. Had broodies on eggs. 1 wasnt a good Momma throwing babies around... and the other wasnt too good either and was squishing chicks. And have you ever tried to take chicks away from a broody Mom?????? Not pretty.

Now this one... I'm feeling a bit disappointed. Rarely lose any. And have lost several this week.
They are eating MannaPro Medicated started from TSC. I may just do Corid just in case. Havent noticed runny poops. Everyone else is healthy.

My coop is fully enclosed with windows and a door. The brooder cage is inside that, so closed in on 3 sides. With a light. Usually arent under the lamp at all. And this chick had majority of its feathers!!!

My birds have been a handful this week. Had broodies on eggs. 1 wasnt a good Momma throwing babies around... and the other wasnt too good either and was squishing chicks. And have you ever tried to take chicks away from a broody Mom?????? Not pretty.

Now this one... I'm feeling a bit disappointed. Rarely lose any. And have lost several this week.
I ordered chicks from TSC a couple years ago...all appeared healthy and fine. A few days in, I found one not doing so well. No pasty butt so I treated with vitamins and probiotics and electrolytes, etc. It seemed to perk up and was doing better. So I went to work at my desk for an hour before another round of treatment. After a short while, I stopped working to check on chick and it was dead with 3 other chicks perched on it. I've always wondered if their weight was what killed it because it had been showing so much improvement. If I ever have another weak chick, I'll separate it so that I don't risk other chicks using it as a perch. I'm so sorry you lost your chick :(
I ordered chicks from TSC a couple years ago...all appeared healthy and fine. A few days in, I found one not doing so well. No pasty butt so I treated with vitamins and probiotics and electrolytes, etc. It seemed to perk up and was doing better. So I went to work at my desk for an hour before another round of treatment. After a short while, I stopped working to check on chick and it was dead with 3 other chicks perched on it. I've always wondered if their weight was what killed it because it had been showing so much improvement. If I ever have another weak chick, I'll separate it so that I don't risk other chicks using it as a perch. I'm so sorry you lost your chick :(

That’s a good point. Whenever you have an injured or sick chick or any age bird, it’s best to separate because the healthy ones will pick on the weak one. Almost like survival of the fittest scenario.

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