Dead Chick with Green Vent area?

Necropsy is expensive. Granted, so is a massive death toll, but I don't think the deep pockets are going to spring for it all the same.

I did cut open the corpse (highly ineptly, I might add). All the organs looked normal. Crop and gizzard were quite full. Unfortunately, the pictures I took did not come out well - to look at them, you'd think the bird died of argyria! Very dark/gray.

I still am not sure whether the green looked infected or bruised - are there any side effects of either I might have noticed? It did go down into the meat, which was more yellow than green. It was on her entire rear end; starting below the tail, and extending to her keel bone, and reaching about to her back legs on either side.

Food and water are plentiful and accessible. They had recently been allowed outside for basically the first time, so they've been gorging themselves a bit on the fresh stuff.
(Normally, I let chicks out sooner, but there had been too much rain/cold weather for that.)
And how does my computer not load these posts?!
Yeah, I really wish I had better pictures. The sun and my camera were conspiring against me today.

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