Dead chicken HELP!!!

blue fire

14 Years
May 2, 2007
Murfreesboro, TN
One of my chickens just litteraly fell over and died this morning. She was acting normaly yesterday and did no have and marks on her from preadators. What do I need to do with her friends?
There's a sticky at the top of the Emergencies category that has questions that might help with diagnosis, just post your answers back here.
Did you see her fall over and die? I had one die about a month ago. She was fine when she went to bed the night before, when I went out in the morning she was laying in the shavings dead. Sometimes chickens just die with no apparent reason. All of my other chickens are fine with no illnesses.
I have the same question. When you say she "just litteraly fell over and died" that means, to me, that you saw her walking around normal and she suddenly fell dead. That would be a very odd occurence - maybe heart attack. If she was fine yesterday and you found her dead this morning, that could be any number of things.
1) She was some type of game bird and was 23 weeks old
3) no sign of trauma
4) I have no idea how this could have happened
5) She was eating and drinking normal layer food and water
6) I was not able to see her poop but there were no abnormal looking droppings in the coop
8 )
10) the house has shavings and I did put some stall dry in there plenty of room

I did not literally see her fall over and die, sorry, I found her laying on the ground in the yard.

I've looked at other post and I can't find anything that is helpful.

When I found Moon Pie my other chickens were making a lot of noise so I went to see what was going on. I found Moon Pie laying on her side and her legs were strait out. When I picked her up she was stiff but she was still a little warm especially under her wings. I looked in the coop and all dropping are normal.
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At 23 weeks, I don't know what got her. If she were younger I'd say Sudden Death Syndrome. I'd watch the others very closely. There are diseases that can cause sudden death, but they're communicable, so she probably wouldn't be the only one. Heart attack is a possibility, perhaps due to some defect. Choking is also a possibility. I wouldn't panic just yet, but definitely keep an eye out and separate any birds who seem off.

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