Dead chicken - missing entire face and defeathered at the back


12 Years
May 30, 2009
Central Coast, California
Sorry if this is graphic - one of our hens was killed last night. There are feathers everywhere and blood splatter -- looks like a struggle due to the feathers all over and blood. Hen's face was missing and body was missing feathers along the back (could be due to struggle). The backside was ripped down deep -- along the spine. I suspect hawk or owl due to the way the innards were pulled out through a smallish gash (about 1" wide, maybe 3" long).

Another clue -- all the other hens are spooked and hiding out underneath a structure as if hiding from something in the air.
i don't thnk a picture will be of any help in this case.i think we can all get the "picture" in our head without actually seeing it.
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Do you have cats in the area? I ask because one here jumped on the back of one of the yard birds and dug it's claws in and tore out feathers and nicked it's face trying to get ahold of it's neck. It was only a 5-6 month old kitten and I think he watched ostritch racing or something, but seriously if he was an older cat I could see him doing that kind of damage.
my hen had all its feathers missing from her back and blood all over her back but her face was still there

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