Dead chicken....uncertain of what may have done this to her (graphic pics!!!!)


10 Years
Apr 17, 2014
Hello Everyone,
I apologize in advance about the graphic pics. I have a super small flock and am in an urban area. I have a high fence but know that doesn't protect my chickens from hawks. I have pie pans and plates in my trees as well as 2 scarecrow that I move and a fake owl. I have 3 indoor dogs who go out several times per day and they get along super well with my chickens. I just went out to secure the hutch and found my sweet beloved bird, seemingly face down, gutted, with entrails next to her. Her eyes were closed and she had no damage to her head or neck or feet. What do you guys think could have been the predator? I live in PA. I am heartbroken. I let them free range only about 4 hours per day and they have a predator proof hutch with plenty of areas outside to hide (bushes, trees, structures, etc.). We have had hawk scares before and the chickens were excellent at yelling out and hiding. Any help would be appreciated in what may have done this to her. Again, I apologize for the pictures. I am grateful, this Thanksgiving, for everyone's help, knowledge and thoughtfulness here at Backyard Chickens.
You found her inside the coop like this? Is it possible she just freak died and the other chickens started tearing her up?
You found her inside the coop like this? Is it possible she just freak died and the other chickens started tearing her up?

No, I found her in the yard, close to my duck pen, close to cover (they do have access to cover and their coop during the day and I lock them down in the coop at night). She and the flock were free ranging. I do have a rooster as well. Everyone else was unscathed.
There was just a thread with images absolutely identical to yours. It was determined as a hawk. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you so much. We were not sure if it was a hawk or a mink or some other predator. I truly appreciate you input...i was looking through the posts as well (everyone is awesome here) as well 'googling'....i agree....thank you again.
To me it looks like a raptor kill. I would suggest keeping your flock penned up for a bit and then only allow supervised free ranging.

Thank you, I agree...I am so torn as they yearn to be out, running, digging and playing but I know they are not as safe as inside the coop.....tcoop.....thank you again. I truly appreciate your help :)
Quick question, because I am sitting here stressing (I hatched all my birds and handraised them so i truly love them) you guys think the attack was potentially somewhat painless for her (like the force or shock preceded death). She was intact, eyes closed, head intact, etc. despite what happened with her torso. It just makes me so sick and sad :(. I know no one is a mind reader and there were no witnesses, but I am just thinking about her and distressed :(.

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