Dead chicken


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2015
Hello everyone,

This morning when I was checking for eggs I found one of our Easter Eggers dead in the nest. We had 8 in total, two of four different breeds. The chickens were out yesterday and seemed good. The one that passed was not with the rest of the group, kind of a loaner yesterday. There was no trauma that I could see. The group is about 8 months old. We had been feeding them treats of pumpkin pieces with tomatoes, lettuce, in addition to the normal layer crumbles. I was very surprised to see this. I keep the coop and run very clean and give them fresh water every other day.

Any thoughts from the expert group here? Should I expect to loose one every once in a while...

Thanks in advance
Yes, unfortunately this happens occasionally. It can be puzzling to figure out the cause. If you can open up the abdomen, there are a few things to look for, such as a discolored or spotted liver, worms inside the intestines, or internal laying with masses of egg material. Most states have a vet who will do necropsies to look for a cause of death. Sorry for your loss. Here is a link for that:
Thank you for your response. I was just surprised to see this. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything that could have caused this. They all seem to be very happy chickens and I thought healthy as well. Do I need to relally watch the rest of them after this?
She could have been egg bound or just sick with something else, which may have been why she was hanging out by herself or in the nest box. When I let out the chickens in the morning, many times a sick chicken will either not get off the roost, or they will isolate themselves in a corner or a nest box. I would just pay a little extra attention when letting them out, and putting them up for a few days.

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