Dead Embryo in Egg?


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
I believe that I have a dead turkey embryo. I had candled at day 14 and it was moving and alive, but now it's day 23 (I initially candled it at 21 and it was the same way) and I don't see movement or veins, etc. I discovered a crack in its shell and believe it may have gotten bacteria in there. I got a stronger flashlight and it deepens my suspicions. I just want a second opinion before I throw it away. There are a few photos below of it. For future reference, what can I put into the crack of a shell to prevent bacteria from getting in there?

Hi, I believe that I have a dead turkey embryo. I had candled at day 14 and it was moving and alive, but now it's day 23 (I initially candled it at 21 and it was the same way) and I don't see movement or veins, etc. I discovered a crack in its shell and believe it may have gotten bacteria in there. I got a stronger flashlight and it deepens my suspicions. I just want a second opinion before I throw it away. There are a few photos below of it. For future reference, what can I put into the crack of a shell to prevent bacteria from getting in there?
It looks like a quitter to me as well, but if it doesn't stink or leak you can leave it there. Melted wax can be used to cover minor cracks it eggs.

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