Dead Goose, can you help identify predator?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
I came out this morning and found my goose missing. She was setting a nest with no eggs in it near the pond. The nest was messed up like there had been a struggle, I followed a trail of feathers and found where it had dragged her thru a hole in the fence, I found her body (or what was left) about 15 feet in the woods. All that was left were her wings and a pile of feathers. Can you help me identify the predator? We have had racoons (one dead, several missing) in the past. We do have possoms, fox and bobcats in the area.

Normally the geese sleep in the pond but because of her housekeeping urge she was on the nest within a few feet of the water. I feel that whatever it was must have surprised her.
A goose is pretty daunting prey. I'd say you have either a family of foxes or a coyote. Sorry for your loss.
I saw that you live in Orlando. I am betting on bobcat or coyote. To take a goose a smaller animal would have quite a fight on its hands. I know foxes and coons can take one but it would be a big commotion. I think a coyote is large enough to take one out quick and a bobcat has the tools with teeth and claws kill it with less effort and less fight. I suspect that a coyote being larger would have carried it further away to finish eating it so I am betting on the bobcat.

I would take the wings that were left by the predator and use them to bait a live trap. Whatever the animal was, you can bet it will be back. The only thing that I have ever lost a goose to, was the neighbors rottie and she was 130 lbs. of teeth and muscle. Since it ate the bird, I think dogs can be ruled out.

Please let us know what it was if you catch it.

Good luck to you and sorry for your lost.
I was going to say bobcat or coyote also. Where I live, there are coyotes everywhere and they're the only ones that I know who will take on an adult goose. A large domestic dog will do it, also, but if you haven't seen one roaming loose, then it's unlikely.

Have you checked for paw prints around the pond?
Thanks everyone. I think it was a fox or a bobcat. We have no coyotes in the area. We set a trap last night that is big enough for a fox or large racoon. I'm not sure that it will get a bobcat. It rained pretty heavily so nothing in the trap in the morning. We'll set it every nite until I get something. I'm sure it will be back. Baited it with chicken backs which ought to be pretty ripe tonight after this 95 degree heat. Yummy!
I would guess bobcat or coyote, and yes you do have coyotes in Orlando. You may not see them but they are there. They are in Manhattan, NY; Atlanta, Ga; Los Angeles, Ca.; and for sure in Orlando, Fla. They are in every major city of every state in the U.S.
Sourland is absolutely correct!!! Coyotes are in every state from sea to shining sea! (including Orlando) check with your local wildlife officials and I am sure they will confirm that they are even in your downtown areas. They adapt to every environment like rats.
Here is a link from your Florida Wildlife Commission with Q&A about your Coyote population. According to it, Fl has populations in all 67 counties and there are growing populations in your cities due to your lack of rain. Interesting enough it says they are seeking urban ponds for water. Do you have a pond on your property? FWC may have just answered your predator question for you.

Hope this helps you figure out what you may have and how to better protect your other birds.

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