dead quail, no damage to body..... what could have killed it?

I concur with this theory.
I too found one of my quail stone dead yesterday in the centre of the hutch with no damage.
I noticed that most of the other quail constantly jump up at the roof and bounce off it.
A broken neck is the only thing I can make fit.
Wind the wind killed her. If the winds were too strong, it doesnt take much to push a quail in mid air. It could have jumped and got smacked against the cage . The damage was internal, so you wouldn’t notice any scars of missing feathers.. just my thoughts.

No it wasn't eggbound. I could not find any trama on the body either. I don't think it was the DE because others should be dead too. One other thing I was thinking about was that I have supplied the quail with sand as grit for their guts. I read it would be adaquate for grit... i think.
Or maybe she just didn't eat it. I am at a loss.

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