Dead Rooster


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Greenville Pa.
Today I found my rooster dead under its roost. It was fine yesterday and all my hens are ok. No marks on him. Could of he had fallen off and broke neck? Vary strange. Any clues?
I suppose it is possible for a chicken to fall from a roost during the night and injure itself. I've also had a chicken pass away suddenly and if you search "sudden death" on this site you will find others have as well. In most cases we never know the cause. Chickens are a prey animal and tend to hide signs of illness until they are quite ill, and in other cases the cause could be something sudden like a heart problem. Some people perform a necropsy, or have one performed, to try to find the cause of death. If you notice no signs of illness in your flock chances are you have nothing to worry about with the others, but you might want to keep a watchful eye on them for a while. It's hard not knowing what happened to the one that died, but as long as the others appear healthy they should be fine.
Today I found my rooster dead under its roost. It was fine yesterday and all my hens are ok. No marks on him. Could of he had fallen off and broke neck? Vary strange. Any clues?

If the neck was broken, you could most probably see (and certainly feel) clear indication of it. Far more likely that he's had some form of event, which caused him to come off the roost, and then to die suddenly.

Instant death, w/o previous symptoms, can be caused by aortic rupture, acute lack of water, fowl cholera, overheated, and fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome. In absence of any others showing symptoms? I'd suspect it was either the first, or the last ... sorry.
Thank you for the replay's. I did see sudden death syndrome. I am thinking that is what happen. The hens are laying fine but i will watch the closely. He was a great rooster. Not sure if I will get another one. Thank You both.
Thank you for the replay's. I did see sudden death syndrome. I am thinking that is what happen. The hens are laying fine but i will watch the closely. He was a great rooster. Not sure if I will get another one. Thank You both.

You're welcome, and -- personally? If there's no intentions to breed your chickens, I wouldn't get another rooster.

I've suffered a few more loses lately, and did not have any warning (of course, any due to predators don't show prior symptoms ~'-)
But, I may have overlooked somethin' along the way that woulda suggested other treatment. Check around for any decaying matter, or the maggot that feed on it -- they accumulate the toxins produced by botulism, and it only take about four of 'em to potentially kill your bird. Also, look for signs of internal parasites -- float tests from the vet do NOT absolutely rule out worms, so I'd just treat 'em w/ fenbendazole or albendazole if there's any doubt. And, amprolium if there's any indication of coccidiosis.

In fact? Just typin' of it makes me think it's a good idea for my own flock, just to be sure ~'-)

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