Dealing with rats

Aren't some rats resistant to anticoagulants? I'm thinking that maybe I should get the bromethalin bait blocks once I run out of the anticoagulant ones that I have, but like I said, I'm still pretty concerned about the risks associated with the stronger poison.

I don't know for the US, but here in the Netherlands we do have this problem in parts of the country. And the resistant rats were spreading to larger areas. Using rat poison is prohibited for consumers now. Only specialiced teams are allowed to use the rat poison.

For this reason and because the natural ennemies of rats and mice (fox, owl, marter etc. ) where poisoned with rat poison. They examined dead preditors they found near barns e.g. It is proven, rat poison accumulates in preditors.
Rat poison is no longer available in shops over here. But some people still want to use it, and go elsewere to buy it.
How much of the current poison do you have left? Roughly how long do you expect it to last before you run out?
I originally got 64 of the bait blocks, and they have eaten 24 so far, so I've put out 36 so far, since I have two bait boxes, which each hold 6 poison cubes, for 12 in total. I'm not sure exactly how long the remaining stuff will last, but I don't think it will last for too long, considering how quickly the rats are going through it.
Does it seem to be doing any good? You could really have THAT many rats that they're dying off, but still have enough left alive to keep the bait boxes empty.
I do think if it were me I would probably switch to the stronger poison once this is gone.
I haven't found any dead rats. I do think that the stronger poison would definitely be more effective when it comes to eliminating the rats, but I don't want my dog to be poisoned if he finds a dead rat and eats it.
That's hard to say. It does seem like it kills them quite a bit faster than the anticoagulant. How far away from your neighbors are you? The more secluded you are the quicker you can kill off the colony. The biggest problem is that they multiply SO fast. If they're safely breeding in the neighbor's garage you're gonna have a harder time killing them all off.
How much longer do you think it would take the anticoagulant poison to kill the colony, versus the stronger neurotoxin poison?

For real. I have had mouse issues here. I had a brooder with 1/4" wire in the coop with the lid open. One night I went in to close the coop, there were 5 mice in it. I closed the lid.
Gruesome but I wanted to know how long it takes for the warfarin based poison to do em in. A total of 15 blocks over the course of 6 water source and no food in the brooder....finally they died at 6 weeks. I assume from lack of water.

Cruel? Maybe. Educational? Definitely.
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