Death in the Flock


Apr 11, 2018
Roanoke, VA
I read the article on how to deal with death in your flock, but it was more on how to deal with it as humans. But I’m wondering what to do with my remaining chickens. One of the chickens was bonded with the one that was killed and when I go out to her she’s cooing really loud, almost looking for her friend. Now she’s sitting with the other remaining hen and not doing much. Can they get distressed over something like this? Normally she tried to fly out of the run and walk over our property and get into mischief so she isn’t acting like herself. What do you do to help in this situation?
We’re trying to figure out what happened. We think she walked out the run and something got her. All that’s left is a trail of feathers, so it wasn’t a hawk. We do have bears in our area that have been spotted coming out of hibernation early due to the short winter.
I'm so sorry!!! :hugs It is devastating to lose one of our precious hens!!! Do you only have 2 left now? Thank goodness you weren't left with just one.

Watch her closely and make sure she is eating and drinking. It is very traumatizing for them when they lose a close flock mate. I lost 2 hens to an eagle attack last June and then lost another 3 days later from shock. I knew she was acting differently, just like yours is, but was trying to save one of the attacked girls and didn't pay close enough attention. I lost both the one I was nursing and the one that was grieving and in shock.

I am not sure what all you can do, but I'll tell you what I would do if I had it to do over again. I would make sure she is eating, maybe make a mash or give her some of her favorite snacks, like berries. I would put electrolytes in her water. And I would spend time with her.

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