Dec 5th N. C. FL (Bushnell) Swap/Sale/Yard Sale


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I am hoping that it will rain out tonight and be nice tomorrow.....i really would like to see all and sell some stuff. I will bringing 3 kittens up for adoption and 2 albino rex baby bunnies and lots of chicks and stuff...have a couple of printers.,...i have a all in one printers for $5 and some other 2 games etc. Well hope to see people there.
map works....BUT>>>>>>MUST READ>>>> do NOT turn down 629 unless you really want to end up in a cow pasture. the road does not go thru. go down a little farther to 52 and you will see a BIG bushnell truss sign.

it's slowed down raining here to a drizzle...barely have to use windshield wipers, so i'm hoping it stops all together soon.

i will put out signs tomorrow morning.

Lasagna is all made, so if someone could stop for me and get a loaf or 2 of garlic bread...i'd love you for life... now, lets hope the person that was bringing plates and forks shows up.

see ya'll around 11:30.
I'm going to try to come, if I can escape the hubby and kids...LOL! If anyone is interested in pedigreed, purebred American Fuzzy Lop bunnies, I have a few that I am parting with. Normal price is $35, but I'll make any BYC'ers a good deal if they will provide a good home. They have extremely sweet temperments, and are bascially a fuzzy Holland Lop. Adult coats do not require much more care than a typical bunny....just run a brush through there every now and then. Check out my website for pictures of some Fuzzy Lops.

Below is an example of a young Fuzzy:

Check your email and let me know if those directions look right... We have a bag with canned goods for those who need it packed and ready to go..
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Woohoo! Just got up and fixing to have to blow dry some birds!

They got wet cause a tarp flew off the top of the cage! Then some just got wet cause they are dumb and got soaked lol
Ok well i'll check back in a little

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