DECEMBER Hatch-A-Long!😊

So my eggs are in a carton with the bottoms cut out and I turn them every three hours. However because the carton juuuuust fits into the incubator I made, I’m thinking about taking it out and just placing the eggs on their side. However, that would mean setting the eggs on the screen which is holding up the fan, and the fan moves the screen juuuuuust a little with vibration. Will that cause issues with the eggs?
Do the eggs clear the top of the incubator? You can cut down the cartons even more so they basically are individual cups just enough to hold the eggs up. You can also look into something shallower like the mini cupcake containers described earlier in the thread. I have seen people use paper towel or toilet paper tubes cut into wide circles to hold the eggs up. Takes up less space in the incubator that way.
I would not lay them flat if they are as saddled as you think they are.😊
The first two chicks hatched within 40 minutes of each other. Now, four hours later, I'm sitting here staring at the incubator wishing chicks would hatch like popcorn pops: slowly at first, and then the majority in a big burst!
I saw the first one hatch on your feed. Couldn’t tell the color though.🥰
Pulled this scary egg like a live bomb. Its only day 4 in the incubator so should not look like this!. Posted egg that candled fine when I put it in minus the air cell.. so glad i didnt wait until day 7-10 to check. it had weird dark spots i could see on the shell plus it started to ooze a drop of nastyness. No smell yet but was a matter if time :sick
Two eggs also had blood rings already. Friend is worried they got too hot in transport plus rough handling which i also agree
Things One thru Four, not in order. There may be a Thing Five, Monday. That will be the last of the 12. Eggtopsies on the others then, except the two infertile, those were easy.

Left to right, that's Four, Two (lower), One (upper), Three. All the same sire.

None wanted to face the camera. May your hatches be better than mine!

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They are adorable of course! Congratulations on your hatch! 🥰
Sooo I have two pips out of the remaining five eggs. I’m pretty concerned because they only slightly broke the shell this morning. I’m not even sure if the membrane is punctured. I’ve seen no new evidence of them still working apart the shell since then. I also don’t want to open up the incubator. :/ I think I’m also gonna lose the small white chick. He’s the only one still with his egg tooth and he seems to have gotten weaker. I’ve dipped his bill in the water but he seems to have trouble swallowing and I haven’t seen eat. He’s also gotten pasty butt. I’ve cleaned it but Im not super hopeful.
Sorry to hear about your little guy! Have you tried giving him some electrolytes/molasses in the water like Nutradrench or similar?
It can take 24 hours from pip to zip, so don’t give up on the ones you have in the incubator yet!😊
Pulled this scary egg like a live bomb. Its only day 4 in the incubator so should not look like this!. Posted egg that candled fine when I put it in minus the air cell.. so glad i didnt wait until day 7-10 to check. it had weird dark spots i could see on the shell plus it started to ooze a drop of nastyness. No smell yet but was a matter if time :sick
Two eggs also had blood rings already. Friend is worried they got too hot in transport plus rough handling which i also agree
View attachment 2439418
Yes definitely good you took that egg out of the incubator. You saved yourself from potential disaster!🙂
Agree, rough handling can definitely cause blood rings.
I saw the first one hatch on your feed. Couldn’t tell the color though.🥰

It's stripey like a partridge, but I'm not sure what it will mature to since it's a mixed hatch. I'll be keeping track, lol!

Edited to add: depending on which random combination mama and papa were, my options for the entire hatch are partridge, grey, blue, blue cuckoo, black cuckoo, paint, and black. Also, the Cuckoo hen is a NN, so that could be thrown in as well.
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Sorry to hear about your little guy! Have you tried giving him some electrolytes/molasses in the water like Nutradrench or similar?
It can take 24 hours from pip to zip, so don’t give up on the ones you have in the incubator yet!😊
I put the save a chick electrolytes and probiotics in the water. I dipped his bill in a few time but I don’t want to over do it. I wish I had some molasses on hand. I didn’t think about that one.
I put the save a chick electrolytes and probiotics in the water. I dipped his bill in a few time but I don’t want to over do it. I wish I had some molasses on hand. I didn’t think about that one.
Maybe he just needs to rest? He should have reserves from the absorbed egg yolk to last a few days. When did he hatch?

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