DECEMBER Hatch-A-Long!😊

from left to right- a grey silky mix from a blue egg, 1 AC mixes tan egg, AC mix blue egg, yellowy chick tan egg AC mix, and an a very black AC mix

5 now in brooder, 2 in incubator hatched and waiting for 3, day 21 pic below are the incubator chicks
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Its been a while since I updated. I ended up with 18 hatched cochins but one was put down because of a leg deformity that kept getting worse every day.
My second batch is due on the 30th. I have a third batch in another incubator that I thought I killed this morning by accidentally unplugging it over night, they were all cold when I figured it out and I was sure none if them would be alive tonight when I candaled them. But to my surprise only 2 died and the rest look great!

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