

12 Years
Sep 18, 2007
Seattle, Cascadia
Ok, I know some people won't like this. In a perfect world, I wouldn't even consider it, because I love the sound of crowing. But since I'll be hatching eggs and I live in the city, I'd like to try de-crowing my roosters as an alternative to making them dinner. It's very unlikely I'd even be able to give roosters away and I'm not supposed to have roosters at all, so it pretty much comes town to a choice between de-crowing or culling.

As I understand it, the bird is anesthesized, so it's better than the usual home caponizing, which is surgery without anesthesia! I really don't understand why de-crowing is supposed to be so cruel, while caponizing is perfectly acceptable.

I want to do it myself because finding a vet who'll do it is difficult, and those who do do it are expensive. I've also heard it's a tricky procedure. However, I still want to try it, because as I said, they'd be dinner anyway, so slip-ups will just be tasty learning experiences.
I've heard of a Russ Babcock in Arizona that evidently has developed a simple de-crowing procedure.

So, does anyone have any experience with de-crowing? Know any vets that would be willing to share their secrets? Thanks!
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I should have used my mouse here, I cant even imagine doing this and inflicting pain apon him, please dont try it!!!!
Just buy fertilised eggs instead of having a rooster and put your poor rooster to sleep gently!!!!bless his dear heart.
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First off I have never heard anyone de-crowing a roo. If it is possible, they will still make a rasping noise when they crow. When it comes down to vets, very little have knowledge on poultry. This comes down to the fact there I think there is really much time given to it in vet school. Alot of livestock vets are becoming rare due to the fact there isn't a whole lot of money in being a livestock vet. Chickens I am afraid are at the bottom of the totem pole in the livestock world. They are cheap to replace so most farmers aren't gonna pay out big time for a animals they can buy real cheap as a chick. I honestly don't think most vets would know what to do and alot of vets probably couldn't do a caponizing either. I am convinced that most of the people on these boards know more on poultry than the vets.
Yes, that is correct, just put him in there at night and let him out at 9amish. have water in there if its hot. If possible throw a dark cover over cage too.
This will only be helpful if he is allowed to crow thru the day, some neighbours just dont like it no matter what time of day it is.
That's the problem; and why I'm looking into this. I do realize that he still may make some noise, but so do hens, so I think a little would be fine. But crowing, unfortunately, is not fine.

Hotwings, that's exactly why I'm interested in doing it myself.

Bantymum and SpottedCrow, I appreciate your concern for the roo. I don't want the roos to die if it's not necessary. Again, de-crowing is an anesthetized procedure, so it's not that painful. And if they die during it, they will go out in the most humane way possible, unconsciously. I don't see how it's worse than death. They'll be able to run around, eat, and mate, just silently.
It really sucks when we are put into the position of having to make choices like this.

I would say just move to the country and solve your problem... yeah, like it would be that easy!

I personally wouldn't consider decrowing, but I don't have the restrictions placed on me that you do. If I put myself in your shoes, I guess it is a viable alternative.

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