Deep bedding

I have only used the hemp for 6 to 7 months now.
So, early months.
I'll assume your birds are that old and this is your first year chickeneering?

I'll takes some pics today and post them for everyone to see.

There are other things I would like to learn how to do.
I think these are still viable:
Lots of info here too:
What does the
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.

whats the Hemp product I use shaving in my coop and I clean it every couple weeks , cause the smell is nasty
Ok so what the poop board look like or what does everyone use . Theres probably a few different ones out there ? Also while im on here what do u guys use for heat I use red heat lamp but it costs so much to run my hydro is disgusting. Is there some kind of stove or heater that’s cost efficient. Last winter we had a week of -46 . Lol starting caving who new 🤷🏼‍♀️
Ok so what the poop board look like or what does everyone use . Theres probably a few different ones out there ?

Here's some posts about it, they're kind of old, but changes are noted.
...and the threads these posts are in has a ton of examples of poop boards.

Also while im on here what do u guys use for heat I use red heat lamp but it costs so much to run my hydro is disgusting. Is there some kind of stove or heater that’s cost efficient. Last winter we had a week of -46 . Lol starting caving who new 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don't use heat, except for a heated waterer.
Minus 46??? F or C?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
I’ve never heard of a hemp product for this. Can you tell me where you purchase it?
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
Where do you get HEMP product? What is it made of?
Looking into deep bedding in coop because temperatures are starting to drop. I do not have a poop board under roosts. With deep bedding, do you stir all the poop as with deep litter and just freshen it up? Coop is 6x6.

OK, lots of good comments already. I use deep bedding of free wood chips, no poop boards, throw scratch in the coop and under the roosts so the chickens will stir the bedding themselves. No smell.

Currently clean out the old wood chips in late fall and spring after all snow has melted, throwing the old bedding into the chicken run for composting in place. In the winter, the chicken poo freezes solid and accumulates under the roosts. I just add fresh wood chips, leaves, and shredded paper throughout the winter on top of the old bedding. Let is accumulate over the winter and clean it out in the spring. Last winter was my first winter with laying hens, and there was no smell from the frozen chicken poo. I think throwing a layer of leaves, wood chips, and/or shredded paper once a month helped to keep it looking relatively clean. It works for me.

Although I am cleaning out the old wood chip deep bedding twice a year, I think I could probably go at least a year, or longer, before it really needed to be cleaned out. I am just making as much compost as I can for the garden so I decided to clean out the chicken poo and bedding twice a year in that effort.
I have the deep liter system using the HEMP product. 6 months so far and no smell at all. This will last over a year before i clean it. It decomposes right away and begins breaking down the smell as soon as it drops. LOL. If you are not using the Hemp product for your deep litter system then you are waisting your money and spend way too much time tending to it. FYI - I have 20 chickens in a 6' x 8' coop and it works great. I have absolutely no smell at all. I am a firm believer in this product.
I have to add a 👍🏻 To the hemp bedding usage ! Absolutely love it , never tried the other ways but did research plenty before choosing the hemp and have not one complaint .
Where do you get HEMP product? What is it made of?
There is a company in Virginia called Old Dominion Hemp website ( They manufacture it from the hemp plant. after it is process for CBD oil, the stalks are cut up in small pieces, it looks like off white wood chips. It has high absorbance, low dust. You can buy it in bulk from them or they have a distributor that you can buy online from them (New country You can purchase 1 bag or multiple bags. They are 33lbs each. There are a few dealers on Amazon.

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