My run has a dirt floor and I use about 2' of straw because that's what's readily available here in the northern Chihuahuan desert. It works very well as long as I add a little water. I'm sure what I do wouldn't work in Hawaii. Every place is different.
I like the video of beekissed litter. I like the way the litter is dry and loose but I don't like the work she has to put in to make it work well.
She turns it almost every day or at least every other day. That's more than 200 days a year she is turning that over. That is the part I don't want to do. I don't turn my sawdust litter more than 1 day a year. That is greater than 20,000% more work than just dry sawdust.
I don't get earthworms in my deep litter like beekissed does because it's too dry. I get mealworms, and little white worms that I have never seen before. They look like an earthworm but really white and about half the size of a red worm.
I wonder if there is a lab that would analyze the litter to see what is living in it and what properties it has.
Do any of you find that the DL method with sawdust is dusty? My chickens are the dustiest creatures on earth. I currently use straw in a 10x12 coop, wood floor, with only 4-10 chickens at any time and they do not create enough moisture to keep the dust down. I live in Alberta, Canada and it is very dry here.
That sounds great Lazy Gardener and I'm definitely considering a change to DL but my concern is whether or not the sawdust adds to the dust problem. I am astonished at how much dust those critters create on their own. The last thing I want is a litter that adds to the problem. With a wood floor no less! The addition of fresh grass clippings with their moisture might help with the problem.

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